Graphic Designs
University of Nevada Reno
In this project the client, UNR College of Liberal Arts, is requesting assistance in updating their presentation series for the purpose of informing and recruiting future students to the university.
The current and requested format for presentation was Microsoft PowerPoint. Over 54 slides were reviewed for the 1st phase of this update and 22 slides were updated in content photograph replacement or image alteration to better meet the current needs of the college.
*Sample of type of updates can be seen in the Before & After slides showcased below.
Phase II will involved total revamping of the presentation slides and general theme in order to adapt to the changing needs of the college, as it sees fit.
In this project the client, UNR College of Liberal Arts, is requesting assistance in updating their presentation series for the purpose of informing and recruiting future students to the university.
The current and requested format for presentation was Microsoft PowerPoint. Over 54 slides were reviewed for the 1st phase of this update and 22 slides were updated in content photograph replacement or image alteration to better meet the current needs of the college.
*Sample of type of updates can be seen in the Before & After slides showcased below.
Phase II will involved total revamping of the presentation slides and general theme in order to adapt to the changing needs of the college, as it sees fit.
University of Nevada Reno- CLA Orientation
In this project the client, UNR College of Liberal Arts, requested assistance in updating all parts of their current Summer Orientation (Handbook, Presentation PowerPoint and Room/Participant Layout-Interaction).
Initial consultation for such an overhaul came after a 2 hour long observation of the Summer Orientation Presentation in the Summer of 2013.
During that session students were seated in rows in a lecture style setting and participated in a manner than was unintentionally creating a sense of greater importance on individualism and was hard to assess what information students were retaining. There was high number of students who then had a difficult time registering for classes as if they had not been a part of the Orientation program at all. The PowerPoint slides seemed out of touch and were not produced in such a way to allow for easy updating of information or graphics.
Lucha Designs presented the client with a new thematic feel to Orientation Materials whereby both the handbook and PowerPoint slides would be re-designed in a simple, timeless, theme based on actual UNR college historical photographs from the 1940s. By removing the school mascot and replacing him with actual students from the school, incoming students could connect with the information and find themselves in a current historical moment for themselves and the school.
Finally, LD proposed that the entire room and layout for student participants be changed from lecture style individual seats to a large room with grouped students in groups headed by a college advisor who would eventually be their actual academic counselor for the remainder of their 1st year.
*Sample of type of updates can be seen in the Before & After slides showcased below.
In this project the client, UNR College of Liberal Arts, requested assistance in updating all parts of their current Summer Orientation (Handbook, Presentation PowerPoint and Room/Participant Layout-Interaction).
Initial consultation for such an overhaul came after a 2 hour long observation of the Summer Orientation Presentation in the Summer of 2013.
During that session students were seated in rows in a lecture style setting and participated in a manner than was unintentionally creating a sense of greater importance on individualism and was hard to assess what information students were retaining. There was high number of students who then had a difficult time registering for classes as if they had not been a part of the Orientation program at all. The PowerPoint slides seemed out of touch and were not produced in such a way to allow for easy updating of information or graphics.
Lucha Designs presented the client with a new thematic feel to Orientation Materials whereby both the handbook and PowerPoint slides would be re-designed in a simple, timeless, theme based on actual UNR college historical photographs from the 1940s. By removing the school mascot and replacing him with actual students from the school, incoming students could connect with the information and find themselves in a current historical moment for themselves and the school.
Finally, LD proposed that the entire room and layout for student participants be changed from lecture style individual seats to a large room with grouped students in groups headed by a college advisor who would eventually be their actual academic counselor for the remainder of their 1st year.
*Sample of type of updates can be seen in the Before & After slides showcased below.
Detailed Extras
RSC also build in assessment slides to the PowerPoint training so that the counselors, seated at each table with the small student groups, could provide immediate assistance.
RSC designed a new handbook that was both smaller and flipped up to advance the pages. It is the same size as a small tablet or ipad and can easily fit on a bookshelf to better ensure student use and ease of storage.